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The City's Lamplighter Underground

5m Corporate Film 2014

The Best Production Award

“The City’s Lamplighter Underground” is a short film shot by SBCC Chongqing Shiqu Electric Power Supply Branch. The film tells the story of a beautiful city named Chongqing with a famous night scene and thus it is called the “Little Hong Kong” , where there is a group of people who work in the underground cable tunnels which are 30 meters to 90 meters below the ground.

They spend at least four hours underground for one single patrol and maintenance work. To detect potential safety hazards in electrical facilities, they have to work in the dark cable tunnels with only helmet lights on. This is just an example of many electrical workers who work fearlessly and diligently. It is their selfless dedication that ensures the stable and safe operation of the power grid, which has led to the lighting and cooling of thousands of households in the city every day.

About SGCC Chongqing Shiqu Electric Power Supply Branch

SGCC Chongqing Shiqu Electric Power Supply Branch is established in May 2011 in Chongqing. In December 2014, it became the only company in Chongqing to be listed in the crucial power supply branches of State Grid. The branch’s serving customers includes various important units of the Government and Military, as well as vital industries such as electronics, manufacturing, finance, logistics, and services, which are important for the strategic development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. The branch’s supply area covers an area of 950 square kilometers, serving a population of approximately 401 million, and delivering 181.72 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity a year.


Jiaju He


Chinese w English Subtitles




SBCC Chongqing Shiqu Electric Power Supply Branch