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The Taste of Pineapple

12m Narrative, Short 2024


A pineapple stings a child’s tongue, accompanied by a child’s perspective glimpsing tough family issues.

The understated cinematography immerses itself in the common life, often framed from behind doors and windows. A slow long shot moves from the living room to the kitchen, capturing the entire domestic space shared by a mother and child. The camera calmly lingers from the mother’s hands cutting a pineapple to her worried face, naturally weaving cinematography into the narrative. The restrained use of sound further enhances the child’s limited perspective, with phone calls and conversations unfolding into the more complex dilemmas of the adult world.

The film’s gentle and unhurried aesthetic pays homage to Taiwan New Cinema, offering a poignant and compassionate portrayal of life. -Qi Wu. Co-lead Curator of Odyssey 2024


YANG Chenghao




The Region of Taiwan