7 May 2022, Friday | 13:00 – 14:00 BST via Zoom
Jiakai Nie (Franklin), Research Specialist for Regional Cinema and Head of Film Festival (Odyssey), UK-China Film Collab
Dr Zhaoyu Zhu, Teaching Fellow in Communication and Cultural Studies, Ningbo Nottingham University
Panel Description:
This panel discussion will focus on mainland Chinese regional cinema from the past to present. We aim to expand the scope of Chinese cinema discussions by not relying on big cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. Instead, this panel discussion will remind audiences of the diversity of Chinese cinema by tracing the history and development of different regional expressions in cinema. For example, we will touch upon multiple waves that are emerged in contemporary Chinese cinema with strong regional elements, from Northeast to Southern new waves. Furthermore, we will explore whether these waves can be seen as different directors’ identify with their hometowns.
How do we interpret regional expressions? What constitutes the locality of mainland Chinese cinema, from local dialects, sceneries, memories, and unique cultures? Dr. Zhaoyu Zhu will conduct a presentation following a discussion between Zhaoyu and this panel discussion’s chair Jiakai Nie. With the audience having the ability to ask questions.